2009 m. rugpjūčio 20 d., ketvirtadienis
LinenMe - Lithuanian linen shop in UK
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2009 m. rugpjūčio 10 d., pirmadienis
Atostogos tęsiasi. Kadangi gražūs orai, o Justina išsiilgusi vaikų, tai namuos praktiškai nebūnam :) Darbai jokie nevyksta, tik mintyse planų planelių... kokį siuvinį prigriebiu, dėl šventos ramybės.. (: Na, nieko, greit jau ta vasara baigsis, užtat bus ką prisimint.

Daily Talks
2009 m. rugpjūčio 4 d., antradienis
West Park, Sendling
Last Sunday our family had a small picnick in West Park. This park is not the closest one for us, but it takes only 15min by bike. So, it is still very close and I with Justina like to be there :)
This park is really huge and super nice! I love it! Here you can find two pondes (or should I call them lakes?), a lots of geese, ducks, swans.. I have heard, there are even turtles! (unfortunately, I haven`t seen). That`s what a biologist is interested in, lol :D
For Justina it is most exciting to try new playgrounds. This one was our favorite last year.

And this huge slide-playground Justina had tried for her first time. She was so proud of herself!!
She was the smallest among children there :) Šaunuolė!!

On the way home, I had discovered a part of the park wich was installed "To Present Asia Culture 1983". Small Asia close to the center of Munich, isn`t it amazing? It presents India, Thailand, China and Japan. Unfortunately, pics which I took in Japan and China are not so good, so I decided to show you only India and Thailand.

This park is really huge and super nice! I love it! Here you can find two pondes (or should I call them lakes?), a lots of geese, ducks, swans.. I have heard, there are even turtles! (unfortunately, I haven`t seen). That`s what a biologist is interested in, lol :D
For Justina it is most exciting to try new playgrounds. This one was our favorite last year.
And this huge slide-playground Justina had tried for her first time. She was so proud of herself!!
She was the smallest among children there :) Šaunuolė!!
On the way home, I had discovered a part of the park wich was installed "To Present Asia Culture 1983". Small Asia close to the center of Munich, isn`t it amazing? It presents India, Thailand, China and Japan. Unfortunately, pics which I took in Japan and China are not so good, so I decided to show you only India and Thailand.
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